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What are the benefits of EMSculpt?

Emsculpt is an non-invasive sculpting device that uses High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to strengthen, firm, and tone muscle. HIFEM induces muscle contractions at the rate of approximately 20,000 contractions per EMSCULPT session. It causes the growth of the muscle and production of cells. The more muscle you build, the more efficiently your body will burn excess fat

What are the benefits of EMSculpt?

Emsculpt tones and define the body and strengthens muscles. 

Are there any side effects of getting  EMSculpt?

As long as you're a candidate and in the hands of a licensed professional, there shouldn't be any side effects.

Is there any downtime after getting  EMSculpt?

As opposed to other body contouring treatments, such as CoolSculpt or any type of fat transfer, there is zero downtime post-Emsculpt.anyone with metal implants, people who are pregnant, and those with pacemakers should avoid the treatment.

Are there any contraindications getting  EMSculpt?

People with metal implants, people who are pregnant, and those with pacemakers should avoid the treatment.

How many sessions of Emsculpt are recommended?

It is recommended six to eight sessions twice a week to start seeing results.

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