Shock Wave Therapy
For Male Sexual Enhancement

Restores the damaged smooth muscle cells
Forms new blood vessels
Increses the blood flow to the penis
Improves performance and spontaneity
Improves quality of life
Restores confidence
Painless with no downtime procedure
Comfortable, quick and life changing

Acoustic Shock Wave Treatment For Sexual Enhancement
No Drugs. No Surgery. No Downtime.
Bring back spontaneity and intimacy with our advanced Acoustic Shock Wave Treatment. This treatment is proven to fix performance issues by forming new blood vessels and increasing blood flow and restoring damaged smooth muscle cells directly targeting and improving the male power.
Eliminate performance anxiety and get your confidence back with a treatment that activates your body’s natural healing processes so you can perform at your best.
How does the treatment work?
While drug therapy is the typical approach to treating men’s performance issues, it only provides a quick-fix solution and does not address the underlying physical condition. Now there’s a new way to get back in the game safely and effectively with The ViaSure Sexual Enhancement Treatment!
The ViaSure System is the only men’s health device with proprietary shockwaves technology. This treatment:
Forms new blood vessels and increases blood flow into the penis to promote the erection
Restores damaged smooth muscle cells that helps to maintain tissue elasticity
Creats a cellular responsive trigger that activates the body's natural healing process
Who is a good candidate for Shock Wave Therapy?
Viasure is a great treatment for every man. The treatment can be done prophylactically to maintain a good performance as well as to address a performance issues. It will also work great in conjunction with P- SHOT® to achieve strong and long-lasting results.
What should I expect during Shock Wave Therapy Procedure?
Viasure is a quick well-tolerated, in-office procedure that only last 5 to 15 minutes. A gel is applied to the surface area to be treated. The applicator is gently applied to the skin. You will hear a sound as your practitioner moves around the treatment area. Patients report minimal to no discomfort during the treatment. A full treatment consists of 6 sessions and usually done once a week. If you are traveling the sessions can be done at smaller intervals.
What is the cost for Shock Wave Therapy?
Six sessions of Shock Wave Therapy $3000
One P- SHOT® procedure $1800
Six sessions of Shock Wave Therapy & One P- SHOT® procedure $4800