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Long lasting non-surgical, and minimally invasive male enhacement treatment



  • Bigger looking testicles

  • Reduced wrinkles on scrotum

  • Testicles hang lower & appear larger

  • Decreased sweating

  • Decreased pain

  • Fuller, smoother testicles

  • More pleasurable sexual activity

  • More confidence

Pain-free, No Downtime. 


Scrotox is rejuvenation of scrotum. Scrotox or Botox for scrotum is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment with injections of Botox to make the scrotum look and feel better. Botox relaxes the scrotal muscle which allows the testicles to hang lower at the baseline. This makes scrotum to look bigger or  more filled out, reduces scrotal sweating, reduces wrinkles and makes scrotum appear smother, makes sex more pleasurable.


Is Scrotox procedure painful?

At BeRejuved we use a very strong numbing cream and there is no to minimum discomfort.

When am I going to see the results?

It takes 5-7 days to see the complete result of Scrotox procedure.

How many units are required for Scrotox?

The Scrotox procedure requires 100 Units of Botox. Additional units can be added if needed in 2 weeks when the client is back for follow up visit.

What is the Downtime after Scrotox procedure?

There is no downtime after Scrotox. Clients able to return to their regular day immediately. 

Side effects are very rare, but some clients may temporarily experience slight numbness, swelling, bruising, a feeling of tightness or discomfort.

Does Scrotox effect varies depending on the weather conditions?

The effect of Scrotox may vary depending on the weather conditions. Since the Scrotum regulates the testicles temperature, it will contract more in the cold weather and relax in the warm weather. Therefore, the higher dosage of Botox may be required during the cold weather to maintain the same results.

Our Clinic


Lev Zak
Co-Founder & Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner

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